In the Shadow of Pilgrim Monument

Perched at the tip of Cape Cod, Provincetown combines natural landscapes of incomparable beauty and serenity with town landscapes shaped by a decidedly non-random cross-section of America.

As with most of my collections, I draw on multiple photographic styles, from street shots to pictorial landscape.  To root the project, every frame contains at least a glimpse of the Pilgrim Monument, a granite structure constructed in 1910 to honor the Pilgrims’ first landing in Provincetown and to attract tourists.  Whether from inside the Monument or from across the bay, including the Monument in every picture graphically and geographically anchors the body of work.

The project draws inspiration from Joel Meyerowitz’s St. Louis project from the late 1970s.  In a slim paperback entitled The Arch, Meyerowitz offers a portrait of St. Louis in many styles, each scene including some incarnation of the famous arch.  I, too, aim to combine multiple styles in a coherent grouping.


N Truro Air Force Station


Cape Landscapes